Top five reasons to work with a coach

#1 They boost your self-confidence

Planning a career change can be daunting, especially if you have been forced into it. It's difficult to know where to begin, and how to interpret the information that's out there.

Research shows that a key benefit of career guidance is developing research skills.

#2 They help you develop your self-awareness

Getting a third-party opinion on your situation can be very insightful, especially when your situation is complex.

Coaches specialise in asking you the right questions, allowing you to develop a new perspective.

#3 They provide you with motivation and inspiration to succeed

Once you've figured out what you need, the real battle begins - how to get there.

With a coach by your side, and your very own action plan, you can focus on tangible goals and next steps.

It's natural to lose motivation, especially when the going gets tough. With a coach by your side you can reach your full potential.

#4 They get you thinking outside the box

Career choices can be a source of anxiety for many people, and it's easy to get trapped in cycles.

Getting the outside perspective of a coach can be eye-opening, especially if you've been in a rut for a while.

Great coaches don't have the answers, but they do have the right questions. It's a process of self-discovery that can be incredibly rewarding.

#5 They allow you to dicuss your goals in a safe, supportive environment

Above all else, working with a coach allows you to talk to someone who wants to listen.

Our careers are an intimate part of our lives, and it's common to feel insecure talking about them with friends or family.

Coaches are trained to listen, and they know when to leave you to reflect on what's been said.