Our mission statement

Coaching is all about asking the right questions.

Clients come to us unaware of what coaching entails, what they need from a coach, or indeed what a coach can provide. The one thing that all of our clients have in common is an urge to change something in their careers.

But what exactly?

Coaching is a commitment to change a key part of their lives - any uncertainty in the process can be crippling. We're here to change that.

We take clients on a journey of self-discovery.

We help clients identify where they are, what success looks like to them, and how a coach can help them achieve their goals.

We then prepare a detailed brief for each client, pinpointing exactly what they are looking for. We also provide curated recommendations of coaches, communicating why they are a good fit for the client's specific needs and circumstances.

We are not a coach agency, which allows us to focus on delivering what's best for the client instead of chasing a commission.

Armed with the confidence that comes with knowing what they need, clients can hit the ground running. Coaches, in turn, benefit by having a much clearer view of their clients, enabling them to focus on their clients’ needs and do what they really want to do – help.

The outcome is that clients save time and money, while coaches are able to apply their value-adding expertise from the get-go - building crucial rapport and trust early on.

In sum, the coaching experience is elevated for both our clients and the coaches who will have the pleasure of helping them achieve their goals.

Thank you for taking the time to understand what we do, and we hope you'll join us on our journey.

- Pavlos, founder of The Coach Place